About Me

My name is Kevin Sheehan. I am Computer Science and Engineering graduate from the University of Connecticut. I am interested in computer programming, software design and architecture, game development, music, photography, and traveling.

I am strongest with the Java programming language although I enjoy expirementing in other languages from time to time. Some of the languages I have delved a ways into include Groovy, Python, C#, and Dart. I have experience using the following technologies: Grails, Hibernate, Tomcat, Apache Axis, PostrgreSQL, MySQL, and Unity3D.

I am currently employed as a Software Engineer working across a full stack that includes: Grails, Java, AWS (EC2, SQS, SES, RDS, etc.), Jenkins, Twitter Bootstrap, Sass, and JavaScript among other supplemental technologies.

You can visit some of my other pages from the following links: BitBucket, GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn. Many of the projects and repositories I have contributed to are private. I have opened up a few of my BitBucket projects so you can get a sense of my programming. Most of these are older and do not necessarily reflect my current skill.

About the Site

This site will host past projects and posts about projects that I am currently working on. The site is being developed using Twitter Bootstrap for styling.